Posted by: Nancy Brown | August 26, 2007

Weekend reflection / Happy Birthday to me!!!!

I can’t believe how incredibly to busy this week has been.  But the weekend is here!! So our week in review!!!

Sunday Night/ early Monday morning I found Dallas on the floor in my kitchen after he had fallen over. He was SOOOOO sick. We called our Bishop ( the local “preacher” of our church) Him and his wife took Tyler for the night while we headed to the Emergency room. Dallas was diagnosed with the “real flu” aka infulenza and spent monday sleeping and staying hydrated. I spent the day wanting to be asleep and trying to keep him hydrated. So far Tyler and I have not gotten it.

Tuesday I stayed home from work to get some sleep and was asleep by 9 PM. It was really nice.  I felt so much better and ready for the rest of the week.  I also had an ultrasound done at my docs. I love my new docs but not NEARLY as much as my doc in Utah. The finding of the ultrasound show several cysts on my ovaries so they are doing a repeat scan in 8 weeks.  Hopfully they will find good news in 8 weeks and they will be gone. They are pretty sure my endometriosis is back and when we are done having babies I hope to have it all out for good.

Wed. Ty’s eye appointment and  they told us that we are still kinda having to wait and see but to work hard at getting him to wear his glasses so his brain continues to work at allowing him to see. So that is what we will be doing. ( I wrote my blog after I got home on wed from work .. after midnight aka thursday.)

Thursday D was still not feeling super well so he stayed home from work. We went and picked up my check, did some LIGHT shopping and decided to drives to Scottsdale to go to a Brazillian resturant. We REALLY miss Braza in SLC so this was the next closest thing. It  was very good and I enjoyed it alot.  I also started to get super snoopy and was checking bank accounts for a hint of what I was getting for my presents this weekend and found that Dallas had our paypal credit card stolen and it was being used all over Scottsdale. I wouldn’t have gotten caught snooping had I not had to ask Dallas about the charges. I waited till Friday morning when he was more awake. ( I went snooping after work. Again.. it was after midnight… about 3 am!!!)

Friday my cute little Visiting teachers came over and we had a nice visit. I was a little mad at the first of my assingment with them that I didn’t get a young mom. But I have LOVED my visiting teachers. They have even helped out with Tyler!! Friday we also had an evaluation for a new OT. They seem like they will work out well for us.  We are excited to get going and start working with her. I worked that night and it turned into another 11 hour shift so I came home exhausted on Saturday. I couldn’t stay up any longer so I woke up D about 9 am and he let me sleep. We kinda switched off sleeping so we both felt rested.

But now for the fun stuff…..

It is also my birthday this week. Today to be exact. I know!! I feel a lot older than I am!!  Hence why I was snooping. ( which BTW I was STILL not able to find out what I got. But did have to say I was sorry!!) Dallas has made it an amazing birthday for me. He has made it more like a birthday 4 days. Friday started my birthday presents. I got a beautiful watch!! I love it. It is from fossil and I love it. It has a pink face, ( of course) and I really really like it. I got my nails done ( well filled… they were done a few weeks ago. ) and I got a flower design on them ( for free!!!) cause it was my birthday. They are pink and white with a diamond on them. We went out to dinner last night we went to dinner. I had a gift card from work and we went to Red Lobster. I got my Saturday present then. I got tanning passes to simply tan. I am so excited. I have wanted to go tanning since we moved. ( I really truly think I am the WHITEST person in Arizona!! I can’t wait.

Today is Sunday ( of course!!) Ty was the best little boy and slept in till 8 and I got to sleep in till then as well!! We got dressed and we went to church ( late cause it is to early for ANYONE to go) and came home and had lunch my Cute visiting teachers brought over some yummy chocolate rasberry sticks ( which I love!!) and I have no idea what I am getting today from Dallas. * I got my present as I was typing this!!! SEASON 2 of 90210!!!!!  I have season one allready and soap net just finished season 2!! YAY!!!!! I LOVE that show! *  Tommorow I am getting some new clothes ( they weren’t delivered despite paying 2 day shipping) from Old Navy.

We are having dinner tonight either Steak or Shrimp ( my favorite) I have to work tonight for a few hours and then I get to come home and enjoy the rest of the day!!

Special thanks to my sisters!! Tammy and Nicky always remember and Nicky is usually the first to remember and give us all a call.  Lexi is writing me a letter for my birthday. I love that she is old enough to do stuff like that. I just hope Tammy forgets about my last present to Lexi this year… I don’t like pay back!! My other sisters Crys and Jen who remember and got me a card ( and yes Crys I WILL be buying me a pedometer!!) And I haven’t checked the mail yet but I know my mom sent a card ( late cause it was school…I don’t mind !!) And Lori ( who went to Vegas for Ken’s bday!!) Thanks to everyone who did remember!!! It was a great Bday!!


  1. Your nails are really cute. I wish my nails would turn out like yours but they never do. I’m glad your having a good birthday. And I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday card from me. Love you so much. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy late birthday. Sounds like you were really spoiled.

  3. Happy Birthday to you…

    I’m glad you had a nice day:)

  4. i’ve been away! I am sorry I missed your birthday!

    Happy Happy Happy!

    What neat gifts-

    your nails look pretty!

  5. so glad you and Ty didn’t get sick!

    HAPPY Birthday! What fabulous presents!!! 🙂

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